Random Rantings and Ravings from a Slow-Poke Runner in the Heart of the South. (A Weeekly (sort of) Blog about running and just about anything else)

Monday, June 05, 2006

The 14.2 Miler Race Plan

Up until a few weekends ago I have never run a race longer than 4 miles! In a few months, I will be looking to more than double the length of the 10k I completed recently by tackling the Tupelo 14.2 miler on September 3rd. I have devised a race plan that I will be starting this week and I would love some feedback. I have scanned it below.

The plan includes alternating easy and hard days and very little speedwork. The easy days will be true easy days with a relaxed pace of 9:30 or more. I do want to do some interval work down the line to get my race pace down. While I would love to run the race in under 2:15, I will be just happy finishing! Of course, this is all in preparation for the full marathon I hope to complete on December 3rd. So here is the plan - enjoy! :-)


Blogger Phil said...


Good plan; however, I'd hold off on the up-tempo and interval training for the next several weeks. Build up your core mileage and see what your body tells you. Once your up to 25 miles or so per week, start adding other elements to your training. At this point, you are trying to ensure that you can run a strong race for 14 miles without blowing out something. You aren't likely to win it (of course you never know)so focus on getting your body conditioned to handle the distance and then add an element at a time and be sure to tapper for the week before the event to ensure your legs are fresh for the race. If you want to start with speed training immediately, be sure to add a warm up mile and a cool down 2 mile to either end and limit the total mileage at first.

14.2 miles is more than 2 10ks + 1.7 miles. It will mean that you'll be pounding the pavement for more than 2 hours. You need to get your legs ready for this. The half marathon (your race is a bit longer) is a great distance, but it's hard to fake. Almost anyone can get around a 5k course. Most folks in reasonable shape can do a 10k and live to talk about it, but you've got to be in shape to run 14 miles non stop at any decent pace.

I plugged your last 10k race numbers into Runners World Training calculator to see what they would advise. They advise you to start immediately on an up-tempo run the first week, but the Up-Tempo run distances are not as long as your plan suggests and they involve warm ups and cool downs. I'd suggest that you take a look at this program and modify yours a bit. I don't want to see you get hurt at the beginning of your new training cycle.

I do like the cross training elements. I can never bring myself to do these even though I know they would be great for me.

Good luck. Keep us posted on how this new program is going for you.

Also, did you convince your wife to run this with you?


10:07 PM

Blogger Jim said...

Thanks for the post and question on my site. I originally chose my bike based solely on road biking. I wanted something that I could go out and do 50, 75, or 100 miles on and be comfortable. The triathlon thing is just that-a thing. I'd rather excel at one sport and just survive the other two. Running is still my first love, though you couldn't tell it be the $$$$$ I put into the bike. I would say that if you're serious about road biking, spend what you can afford plus a little. I was surprised in the difference in a "budget" bike and just turning loose of the bucks. I am riding a Specialized Roubaix. http://www.jacksbikes.com/Bike%20Specialized%20Roubaix%20Expert%20Double%2006.htm

I did change out the standard crank set for a double compact since we have a lot of hills here in Birmingham. I personally think the Duraace components were worth the money but some may argue otherwise. The bottom line is that you need to do due diligence and study up based on your budget.

I may give you a yell a little later on about the Tupelo 14.2 miler. I've run it before and I may be interested in coming over and doing it as a training run for the Portland marathon (Oct. 1). Great for you that you've picked a race and have a plan. I do remember that it is a HOT HOT race. You need to do some of your long run training in the heat. Don't try to avoid it because it will just make the race tougher.

I'll be talking to you later!

7:28 PM

Blogger Shane (mississip) said...


Thanks for the comments. I definately will take it light on the tempo workouts, especially these first few weeks. When I say "tempo" for these first few, it is actually what I hope I can maintain in the 14 mile race - about 9 min/mi pace. Probably wishful thinking, but I just want my body to be used to this pace. It is actually a bit slower than a few weeks ago but I am still calling it "tempo".

I haven't had time to check the runner's world plan because it has been a hell week at work but I plan to -- I appreciate the tips!


Thanks for the advice. I will be sure to print it out for my wife when I show her why I need the more expensive bike since the name of the component sets are all French to her! :-)


8:16 PM


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